Rapport annuel 2018

Our Executive Director's contract is due for renewal at the end 2018. Michael Lynch's term on the committee and mine as Chair, finish November 2018. For most of the year we have worked without the full committee members.

Highlights of the Year

1. Over 100 events were on our Calendar this year

2. The New Brunswick Medical Society continued its annual financial assistance of $10,000 per year to support youth running in the "Small Strides - Healthy Lives" program. We also received a donation of $569.97 from the Southeast Striders, Moncton.

3. Records set this year - Shelley Doucet set new NB records in the 10 mile, half marathon and full marathon. Age group records were set by Erin Vringer in the 5 mile, Shelley Doucet in the 5 mile, 10 mile, Half and Full marathon, Patty Blanchard in the 1 mile, 10 km, 15 km, Raymond Caissie in the 1 mile which is also a (Canadian age group record) and 10 km.

4. We awarded 4 bursaries of $250 each to support the education of young runners.

5. Our Hall of Fame Banquet and Awards night in Fredericton was a successful celebration of another running year.

6. Scott Hare and Paul Lavoie were inducted as new members of our Hall of Fame.

7. The RUnNB committee met regularly throughout the year.

8. ln conjunction with ANB we hosted the first women's running summit, which was a great success.

9. We hosted 3 webinars, for race directors and volunteers.

We look forward to 2019 as another year to promote running in New Brunswick.

Mary Brosnan, Chairperson, RunNB